Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HELP ME!!!!!

Physics test today! hopefully my good physics mo-jo carries over from yesterday when i had 8oz of shuger and cream loaded coffee (it was acwaly pretty good) took my meds and had a can of apricots with breakfast and it all made since! No joke! there were no more apricots this morning and i couldn't find another coffee bag. (See it works like tea bags but with caffeine) I still lisined to my musice and cilled out so I could go into hevy focas mode....or the closest I can come to it. I even slept in this morning. *u* -bizarre smily. 
May the heavens rain coprehenshion on my test! Hopefully I'm not disgraghpic in prayer too or I'll get what ever it is that I just spelled.

Other that that I've decided my solo for guard will be "eyes like yours" by shikira and I'll save thunder struck for my Seanoir year so I can have the coolest remember-me-by! And cutting that shikria song was heck in a keyboard. I couldn't figure out why gargeband would load citizen soldier but not the song I wanted it too. Turned out to be the stupidest resin. See on my desk top it said 
Eyes Like Yours (Ojos aises) MP3 well citizen soldier had a little mp so all i had to do was change the title so that MP became mp ....-_-....oh the mean things passing through my head that i could never say in the company of my darling mommy. things like "oh you mean and nasty computer why could you have not read that the first silly time. I'm quite upset with you."
got to finish getting around for school!


  1. Katie, you seriously crack me up. I laughed out loud when I read your post, especially the part about being dysgraphic in prayer. Thanks for the smiles.

  2. I read it: "cope-re-hen-shun".
    I guess that means copious amounts of poultry shunning?

