Monday, January 19, 2009

Guess What?

Yesterday I went on a date with Eathen (aka "the boy" if you ask dad.) Nothing much daddy said no to any pg-13 movies so we saw bedtime stories. And no dad he didn't pull any thing in the theater, put the gun down and back away. For all with small children it's a good movie. plenty of giggles and chuckles. Crazy room survies dude included. After that we just wandered around the mall hung out in Barns and Noble, wandered in the park (It's an out door mall) When Zeke came to get me i get in the car and he looks at me with this 'did he just kiss you on the cheek?' look.
to which I reply, -see above-
*must flee and hide before daddy reads this*


  1. Cute picture!! I can totally see YOU making that face.

  2. I love reading what's going on with you all. You're lucky to have such a protective dad. And he's lucky you have a good head on your shoulders!

  3. Harumph.

    -_- <--note suspicious glare.
