Sunday, January 25, 2009


I'm going to kill Olivia many times over when I see her tomorrow! We have only two weeks to put together a duo for judges and have it perfect and she wont answer her bloody phone!!!!!! And I have officially spilt blood for the guard, granted it was my own but...
Kay I was practicing at the gym and i had just got my one handed left hand 45 toss. (see I could already do it perfectly with my right hand but we toss it with the left hand in the show. Can you say poopy?) so being happy and content with that I moved on to the next toss. Heres how it goes:

throw horizontal ceach with right hand with thumb to the left at the middle tape twist in to cradle twist shoulders to the back plane and then dig the cap of the pole down very fast so the flag comes out of cradle and tosses in the air at the same time then ceach and flip the flag over in a single toss. ceach flat to the back.

got all that? well it all went well till about the cradle toss...I caught that with a not so firm grip or some thing so ti slammed into my mouth. Now that whole thing is supposed to be done in about 8 counts so it was moving pretty fast. Brases & pole do not mix at all! They HURT! I'm about to say 'Oh gee this smarts!' when Bella run up 

"Katie are you okay!?"
"Yep! never better"
Bella gasps "Your tooth is bleeding!"

Well it turned out my brases had cut in at three different places. So Katie trots off to wash out her moth and Bella gets us a racket ball room. 
Bella has an interesting method of playing racket ball. She ether A) cases the ball around wildly swinging her racket while let in loses the War cry. ("AAAARRRROOOOOOOOOOO") Or B) puts the racket it front of her face and hits the ball by bending this way and that. 
That made for fun game. 

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