Sunday, June 7, 2009

The dark side in my kids comes out in a movie

Tonight we were all watching Prince Caspian. If you have seen this flick there is a point in the movie where Peter, the oldest of the four kids, has a duel with the evil king who has usurped Prince Caspian's throne. It ends, as all Disney fights do, with the the good guy, Peter, winning the duel. It was supposed to be to the death, but he leaves the bad guy alive. When he turns his back on the bad guy my children have this to say;

Bella - "You should never leave the bad guy alive."
Vivi - "Yeah, he really should have finished him off."
Greta - "Why didn't he finish it!"

I'm not sure which of the older kids said this one;

"Keep your friends close and your enemies headless."

Now I don't know if I should feel bad that the kids are this fatalistic, or proud that they wouldn't leave a "chore" undone. Of course these are the same kids that will leave a toilet clogged for days on end unless you banish them from your bathroom.

But, to be safe, I am making sure that I don't play the roll of evil king while playing with the girls.

It could be fatal.