Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comments: It's What's For Dinner

Okay, maybe not, but either way, it's now MUCH easier for you, our darling readers, to comment on our ramblings and such. To comment on any of these posts, go to the end of the post, click the "# comments" link, and then leave your comment. 

In the menu that's labeled "Comment As", click the drop-down menu and click "Name/URL" Type your name in the box (you can leave the URL field blank), and click "OK" This way, you can comment and it be labeled as you. It's much easier than the whole creating a random profile thinger. 

HOWEVER! Mommy, Daddy, Katie, Eli...y: USE YOUR PROFILES! Don't cheat. 

That is all. 


  1. Zeke, while you're home you should let the other kids type something. Put it in the subject line as "from...X"

  2. I shall provide the opportunity immediately.
