Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Katie trying to get a post from Bella

hi peeps

No Bella that is not a complet post! put in a story! Tell them about watering plats or the ghost you heard! Something!

hi peeps

Bella that's not a story! Now try again or NO Cookie for YOU!

Katie's eating a cookie infront of me! Curse you Katie!
last night there was a sound coming from the bathroom-dondondon-and no one was inside so i said sushup - it didn't like that-dondondonnnn-so i ran down stairs and stayed there with katie and wached x-men - wolviren has anger- ishu's cookie! katie said that she posened are drinds it works it 90 years


  1. Your Drinds? I distintly remebur poianing your Drinks.

  2. Translation:
    "Wolverine has anger issues [cookie]. Katie said that she poisoned our drinks and it works in 90 years."

    *Sigh* I can't believe I live with you people...
