Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are you smarter than a Dog?

Yesterday there was a little gray schnauzer running around out front and I, like Zeke and well everyone else, could have sworn we've seen him before. He had no tags but a collar and came scampering over when I whistled. Well I picked him up to keep him from scampering away before we could find whose he was and Bandit, watching from the back yard, did not like this. She opened the gate and ran out to me and the stranger doggie.

Yes, she opened the gate.

Four times.

She figured out that the rusty lach will open if she paws at the botom of the gate and pushes against the gate, it will open just enouf to squeze through. On the same gate that took the little girls forvever to learn how to open.

We didn't find the owner and Dad had me put him down and he scampered away....
Bandit i think felt better becuse, I think, she thought that I was finding a new puppy or something.

1 comment:

  1. It's true. I saw it. Bandit opened the latched gate. Seriously.
