Saturday, November 14, 2009

The cats know how I feel...part 2

Hi everyone!

sorry I haven't been speaking much, but Senior year is when every one decides to question your future, or your ability to have one. Counselor scouts and parents, is there no hiddy hole from the collage maddens? it just makes you want

But I did find a good collage I want to go to. in the top 20 at lest most likely the top 15 for creative writing. Hollins! (do-do-do-dooo). The Texas scout know me by name now, and Dad approves because it's a privet all girls school in Vergina, far away from 'the boy'. Still the Psychology department is solid and and the Acting department is recognized! It makes me feel the magic inside of me!

Ethan things are okay, were just in one of those times. Not fighting but not really doing much ether, both of us kinda tiered after the trimester, where going to go on a date but I felt kinda quizy and food didn't sound good. Now with Winter Guard and all the Ap classes jumping on us when we finely get some time its just like,

Key club has started up for Sachse high school too, so add that to my list of Beta club, Girl Scouts, Band, Ap every thing, NSHS, and society of hug a puppy. With Key Club I'm heeding to DFW airport for a welcome home on December 23 for a bunch of troops. That should be fun!

I had to take one regulars class this trimester. Economics. I'm kinda going to miss that free class. I could have skipped the whole trimester except for tests and still made my A+. I saw it as my writing time. Ap economics was first period and there was no way no how I was giving up Ap Psychology!!! Coach Halac was amazing!!! Even if it is the most awkward class to go through with your boyfriend sitting right behind you. Especially in that Motivations chapter. Never thought I'd have to hide a text book from my parents but that is the wonder of Psychology. We also got hypnotized twice!
now people with vivid imaginations and such are really good at getting hypnotized. I fell out of my chair both times!! Of corse when your telling someone the day before that your getting hypnotized and they're all ' oh thats fake' and 'blablabla' it really gets on your nerves. Those people are such kill joys!

And then fourth period was Computer Science! I made my own Video game! From scratch! on Dark Basic!! I am now the computer expert at the house. what I can't fix with resin I fix with threats to tare out it's hard-drive and then call Computer Ghost. Yes Zeke haunts our computer complete with messages lest on the screen and mouses moving on their own. But aside from Computer Ghost I am the Computer Guru!

Speaking of fallowing older children, Lucy is becoming the next Swing-aholic! *sniff* I'm so proud! she was out there with me twice yesterday, and had Bella push her once!

Now on to Finn. the new little baby boy. I feel sorry for him mostly for two resins. 1) he's a boy, after a bunch of girls. when girls live together their monthly gifts start happening at the same time....Run Finn run far away!!!! Think Manly thoughts! 2) mom will not give him a pa-shu! Every baby needs their pa-shu!!! Other than that he lays around, bobbles his baby noggin, eats, crys, toots and poops in that order. I don't feel sorry for him because it get dad off my back about my sleep patters. Oh sure, she's crazy to wake up at 3:45 till it means you don't have to pick up the baby, and she redirect nightmare woken children to her bed.

See not nutty now is it Daddy-o?

Writing has been fine, but Aunt Wally still holds my main story hostage, so I've had complete author ADD. (so would it be AADD?) And it's bad I've sprouted at lest five new stories. One of which I've already been ordered not to kill a few people in by my readers.
See I once made the mistake of telling Miranda Sweet how my mind works for stories. Your best of as a background carter when I'm having a bad day. If I have bad days, my carters have super days, if I have a good day they will had a very sad day. If your just there to add more depth but not really a part of the story, your life is great! If I like you, I'll beat up on you a bit and you might die. If I don't like you you will die, it's just a question of how and when.
Now she and little Miranda, Justén and Faith have forbidden me under penalty of death from killing off cretin people. (Luke and May from 'the Call', Aden and Cyrus from 'Prince of the Void', any of the Phoenix team from the books aunt Wally has hostage. Those people.) so I was nearly killed for my last chapter of the Call.
(No I have not finished the book, I have a skip around journal in witch I writ down ideas or short chapters from books before they fly away)
See it looked like I killed Luke. Two almost cried and 3 nearly jumped to attack me. I hastily pointed out that if they killed me who would be able to bring Luke back. I think it worked for's not like they'd....oh they would....oh dear....

But other than that's all I can think of right now. So if there is any company scholarships out there let me know. Especially for artsy or Psychological items. Can't wait to major in Psych! I'll get to do all kinds of experiments!

That will be fun! (Muahahahahaha!!!) well good bye every body, keep in touch! I have to go put the peaces together. After all it's my life and;


  1. You are hilarious! The pictures along with your post crack me up. It's so good to hear an update on you. Glad you are keeping busy looking into colleges! Good luck!

  2. This made me LOL hardcore. I LOVE it, Kate!
    And you're majoring in Psych!? *Sniffle* I'm so proud! =)
